Health insurance termination in Switzerland. Information by postcode

You can have all the bonuses calculated for the desired franchises. Particularly useful: Choose the «Franchise» option if you would like to know the best franchise for your estimated health costs: Neuenburg

In this case, the premium calculator from calculates automatically for all product variants, which franchise is the most convenient for you personally.
All standard, HMO, GP, Telmed, Medpharm and Pharmed of the compulsory basic insurance are displayed for your profile, which are available in your community. The officially approved premium data of the Federal Government (FAG, Priminfo) serve as the basis.
In addition, the neutral calculator takes into account reductions in premiums for families with several children, restricted areas of activity for the health insurance funds, and restricted coverage areas for the HMO and pediatrician models
In the case of families and children's health insurance, the health insurance legislation provides for sufficient leeway to relieve families financially. The franchise plays an important role here, which is usually set at CHF 0 for children.

Termination of basic insurance
If you want to change your health insurance, this usually happens at the end of the year. The Federal Office of Public Health approves the premiums for the following year each autumn. Your new premium will be communicated to you in writing by your health insurance no later than the end of October. You now have the time to submit the cancellation to your insurer no later than 30 November. Note: The insurer must have received your letter on this date.
For insured persons with a decent franchise (300 francs), there is an additional termination date at the end of June. The notice period is three months.

Cancellation supplementary insurance
The termination date for supplementary insurance is generally 30 September, the periods of notice may vary. Most suppliers offer a three-month notice period at the end of the year. However, there are exceptions, such as multi-year contracts.
In the case of a premium increase, a shorter notice period of one month is generally applicable.
The exact regulation can be found in the insurance conditions of your current health insurer. In case of uncertainty, you can clarify directly with this, which applies in your case.

Postal code per region and canton: Neuenburg
Milvignes 2000 Neuchâtel
Milvignes 2012 Auvernier
Milvignes 2013 Colombier NE
Milvignes 2014 Bôle
Milvignes 2035 Corcelles NE
Milvignes 2036 Cormondrèche
Neuchâtel 2000 Neuchâtel
Neuchâtel 2067 Chaumont
Boudry 2013 Colombier NE
Boudry 2014 Bôle
Boudry 2015 Areuse
Boudry 2017 Boudry
Boudry 2019 Chambrelien
Boudry 2149 Champ-du-Moulin
Cortaillod 2016 Cortaillod
Cortaillod 2022 Bevaix
Rochefort 2019 Chambrelien
Rochefort 2019 Rochefort
Rochefort 2035 Corcelles NE
Rochefort 2037 Montezillon
Rochefort 2103 Noiraigue
Rochefort 2149 Brot-Dessous
Rochefort 2149 Champ-du-Moulin
Rochefort 2149 Fretereules
Rochefort 2318 Brot-Plamboz
Bevaix 2022 Bevaix
Gorgier 2023 Gorgier
Gorgier 2025 Chez-le-Bart
Gorgier 2103 Noiraigue
Saint-Aubin-Sauges 2024 St-Aubin-Sauges
Saint-Aubin-Sauges 2027 Montalchez
Saint-Aubin-Sauges 2028 Vaumarcus
Fresens 2027 Fresens
Montalchez 2027 Montalchez
Vaumarcus 2028 Vaumarcus
Peseux 2034 Peseux
Corcelles-Cormondrèche 2035 Corcelles NE
Corcelles-Cormondrèche 2036 Cormondrèche
Corcelles-Cormondrèche 2037 Montmollin
Val-de-Ruz 2037 Montmollin
Val-de-Ruz 2042 Valangin
Val-de-Ruz 2043 Boudevilliers
Val-de-Ruz 2046 Fontaines NE
Val-de-Ruz 2052 Fontainemelon
Val-de-Ruz 2052 La Vue-des-Alpes
Val-de-Ruz 2053 Cernier
Val-de-Ruz 2054 Chézard-St-Martin
Val-de-Ruz 2054 Les Vieux-Prés
Val-de-Ruz 2056 Dombresson
Val-de-Ruz 2057 Villiers
Val-de-Ruz 2058 Le Pâquier NE
Val-de-Ruz 2063 Engollon
Val-de-Ruz 2063 Fenin
Val-de-Ruz 2063 Saules
Val-de-Ruz 2063 Vilars NE
Val-de-Ruz 2065 Savagnier
Val-de-Ruz 2067 Chaumont
Val-de-Ruz 2206 Geneveys-Coffrane
Val-de-Ruz 2207 Coffrane
Val-de-Ruz 2208 Les Hauts-Geneveys
Val-de-Ruz 2518 Nods
Val-de-Ruz 2523 Lignières
Val-de-Ruz 2616 Renan BE
Valangin 2042 Valangin
Enges 2067 Chaumont
Enges 2073 Enges
Hauterive (NE) 2068 Hauterive NE
Cornaux 2072 St-Blaise
Cornaux 2075 Thielle
Cornaux 2087 Cornaux NE
Cressier (NE) 2072 St-Blaise
Cressier (NE) 2087 Cornaux NE
Cressier (NE) 2088 Cressier NE
Saint-Blaise 2072 St-Blaise
Le Landeron 2073 Enges
Le Landeron 2520 La Neuveville
Le Landeron 2523 Lignières
Le Landeron 2525 Le Landeron
La Tène 2074 Marin-Epagnier
La Tène 2075 Thielle
La Tène 2075 Wavre
Val-de-Travers 2103 Noiraigue
Val-de-Travers 2105 Travers
Val-de-Travers 2108 Couvet
Val-de-Travers 2112 Môtiers NE
Val-de-Travers 2113 Boveresse
Val-de-Travers 2114 Fleurier
Val-de-Travers 2115 Buttes
Val-de-Travers 2116 Mont-de-Buttes
Val-de-Travers 2123 St-Sulpice NE
Val-de-Travers 2124 Les Sagnettes
Val-de-Travers 2126 Les Verrières
Val-de-Travers 2127 Les Bayards
Val-de-Travers 2318 Brot-Plamboz
Val-de-Travers 2406 Le Brouillet
Les Ponts-de-Martel 2105 Travers
Les Ponts-de-Martel 2316 Petit-Martel
Les Ponts-de-Martel 2316 Ponts-de-Martel
La Côte-aux-Fées 2117 La Côte-aux-Fées
La Brévine 2124 Les Sagnettes
La Brévine 2406 La Brévine
La Brévine 2406 La Châtagne
La Brévine 2406 Le Brouillet
La Brévine 2406 Les Taillères
Les Verrières 2126 Les Verrières
Les Verrières 2406 Le Brouillet
La Chaux-de-Fonds 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds
La Chaux-de-Fonds 2300 La Cibourg
La Chaux-de-Fonds 2314 La Sagne NE
La Chaux-de-Fonds 2322 Le Crêt-du-Locle
La Sagne 2314 La Sagne NE
La Sagne 2400 Le Locle
Brot-Plamboz 2318 Brot-Plamboz
Le Locle 2322 Le Crêt-du-Locle
Le Locle 2400 Le Locle
Le Locle 2400 Le Prévoux
Les Planchettes 2325 Les Planchettes
Les Brenets 2400 Le Locle
Les Brenets 2416 Les Brenets
Le Cerneux-Péquignot 2400 Le Prévoux
Le Cerneux-Péquignot 2405 La Chaux-du-Milieu
Le Cerneux-Péquignot 2406 La Brévine
Le Cerneux-Péquignot 2414 Cerneux-Péquignot
La Chaux-du-Milieu 2400 Le Prévoux
La Chaux-du-Milieu 2405 La Chaux-du-Milieu
La Chaux-du-Milieu 2406 La Châtagne
Lignières 2523 Lignières