Health insurance comparison. Search criteria for the cheapest health insurance per region

Our health insurance calculator calculates your health insurance premiums for the year 2025 in Switzerland. You will see where the Assicurandum advantage lies.: Helsana

undefinedo change your health insurance, we will take over the health insurance termination for you Health insurance comparison: saving by health insurance comparison Why a health insurance comparison is always worth it:
In Switzerland, the scope of benefits in compulsory basic insurance is the same for every health insurance fund. But a health insurance comparison is worthwhile, because the premiums are different.
Request noncommittal information for the most suitable health insurance: What is important to you: - Favorable premiums
-good additional insurance such as:
 - Alternative medicine
-Half Private or Private
Are they giving discounts to families
-You would like the option: Free doctor's choice
Free of charge and without obligation, you can order a health insurance offer / comparison and on request also a personal consultation.
Support for the change will be provided by our experts for the year 2025. Free & non-binding find the cheapest health insurance! Children With accident insurance Helsana
The cheapest health insurance Canton Region Lowest price Basic insurance models
Helsana AI - Appenzell Innerrhoden Region 23.80 Standard
Helsana GR - Grigioni Region 3 24.70 Standard
Helsana UR - Uri Region 24.80 Standard
Helsana OW - Obwalden Region 26.00 Standard
Helsana VS - Valais Region 2 26.50 Standard
Helsana GR - Grigioni Region 2 26.90 Standard
Helsana ZG - Zug Region 27.00 Standard
Helsana GL - Glarus Region 27.00 Standard
Helsana LU - Luzern Region 3 27.00 Standard
Helsana SG - St. Gallen Region 3 27.30 Standard
Helsana NW - Nidwalden Region 27.30 Standard
Helsana ZH - Zürich Region 3 27.60 Standard
Helsana GR - Grigioni Region 1 28.10 Standard
Helsana LU - Luzern Region 2 28.20 Standard
Helsana SH - Schaffhausen Region 2 28.20 Standard
Helsana BE - Berne Region 3 28.30 Standard
Helsana AG - Aargau Region 28.40 Standard
Helsana FR - Fribourg Region 2 28.40 Standard
Helsana LU - Luzern Region 1 28.40 Standard
Helsana SZ - Schwyz Region 28.60 Standard
Helsana TG - Thurgau Region 28.60 Standard
Helsana AR - Appenzell Ausserrhoden Region 28.60 Standard
Helsana SG - St. Gallen Region 2 29.00 Standard
Helsana FR - Fribourg Region 1 29.10 Standard
Helsana SH - Schaffhausen Region 1 29.10 Standard
Helsana VS - Valais Region 1 29.20 Standard
Helsana ZH - Zürich Region 2 29.20 Standard
Helsana SO - Solothurn Region 29.70 Standard
Helsana SG - St. Gallen Region 1 29.70 Standard
Helsana BE - Berne Region 2 30.40 Standard
Helsana TI - Ticino Region 2 31.20 Standard
Helsana JU - Jura Region 31.50 Standard
Helsana ZH - Zürich Region 1 31.70 Standard
Helsana BE - Berne Region 1 31.80 Standard
Helsana BL - Basel-Landschaft Region 2 32.20 Standard
Helsana VD - Vaud Region 2 32.30 Standard
Helsana NE - Neuchâtel Region 32.90 Standard
Helsana BL - Basel-Landschaft Region 1 33.10 Standard
Helsana VD - Vaud Region 1 33.90 Family doctor model
Helsana TI - Ticino Region 1 35.10 Family doctor model
Helsana BS - Basel-Stadt Region 36.10 Family doctor model
Helsana GE - Genève Region 36.30 Family doctor model
Helsana AI - Appenzell Innerrhoden Region 64.10 Family doctor model
Helsana GR - Grigioni Region 3 67.50 Family doctor model
Helsana UR - Uri Region 67.60 Family doctor model
Helsana VS - Valais Region 2 72.10 Family doctor model
Helsana OW - Obwalden Region 72.50 Family doctor model
Helsana LU - Luzern Region 3 73.90 Family doctor model
Helsana ZG - Zug Region 73.90 Family doctor model
Helsana SG - St. Gallen Region 3 74.70 Family doctor model
Helsana GR - Grigioni Region 2 76.30 Family doctor model
Helsana GL - Glarus Region 76.70 Family doctor model
Helsana NW - Nidwalden Region 77.50 Family doctor model
Helsana ZH - Zürich Region 3 77.50 Family doctor model
Helsana LU - Luzern Region 2 79.70 Family doctor model
Helsana TG - Thurgau Region 79.70 Family doctor model
Helsana SZ - Schwyz Region 79.70 Family doctor model
Helsana BE - Berne Region 3 80.40 Family doctor model
Helsana AG - Aargau Region 80.80 Family doctor model
Helsana GR - Grigioni Region 1 80.90 Family doctor model
Helsana SH - Schaffhausen Region 2 81.30 Family doctor model
Helsana SG - St. Gallen Region 2 81.60 Family doctor model
Helsana FR - Fribourg Region 2 81.90 Family doctor model
Helsana VS - Valais Region 1 82.10 Family doctor model
Helsana LU - Luzern Region 1 82.20 Family doctor model
Helsana AR - Appenzell Ausserrhoden Region 82.60 Family doctor model
Helsana FR - Fribourg Region 1 84.40 Family doctor model
Helsana SH - Schaffhausen Region 1 84.70 Family doctor model
Helsana ZH - Zürich Region 2 85.10 Family doctor model
Helsana SG - St. Gallen Region 1 85.60 Family doctor model
Helsana BE - Berne Region 2 86.60 Family doctor model
Helsana SO - Solothurn Region 86.90 Family doctor model
Helsana JU - Jura Region 92.20 Family doctor model
Helsana TI - Ticino Region 2 92.80 Family doctor model
Helsana BL - Basel-Landschaft Region 2 93.60 Family doctor model
Helsana ZH - Zürich Region 1 96.20 Family doctor model
Helsana BL - Basel-Landschaft Region 1 96.90 Family doctor model
Helsana VD - Vaud Region 2 97.30 Family doctor model
Helsana BE - Berne Region 1 97.90 Family doctor model
Helsana NE - Neuchâtel Region 102.20 Family doctor model
Helsana VD - Vaud Region 1 103.30 Family doctor model
Helsana TI - Ticino Region 1 106.60 Family doctor model
Helsana GE - Genève Region 114.50 Family doctor model
Helsana BS - Basel-Stadt Region 115.10 Family doctor model